Art of Cultivating Rare Pearls : Changing the Social Image of IT Professionals

Marie-Christine Roy, Hager Khechine, Diane Ducharme


Globally, we are witnessing a decline in human resources specialized in Information Technology (IT) and significant shortages are predicted for the future. The reduction in IT graduates, in particular those from information systems programs, is the main cause of the market’s lack of these competencies. This situation is further alarming because of the importance of IT and the growing need for these specialists in the numerical era. Many employers and governments are raising their voices to denounce the problem and insist on the urgency of reflection and actions from the IT community. In this article, we attempt to explain the reasons why students show a lack of interest for IT programs and careers. Our observations lead us to conclude that the social image of the IT profession may be the main factor to address, and suggest different strategies that can correct the situation. The recommendations are based on prior research results and some of our academic experiences.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Marie-Christine Roy, Hager Khechine, Diane Ducharme

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ISSN 1114-8802 / ISBN 2665-7015

Last updated : December 18, 2018